Thursday, July 15, 2010

They say the chupacabra's just a coyote with mange.
This world! This place! I have to say, I find it all so strange.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Theo Mercier

Let's be friends, no?

I've been working with smoke bombs, masks, and all things wolfy for some time now.


Patrick Mohr
Spring/Summer 2011

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Do you know this woman?

Her name is Diane Pernet. She's quite famous in the fashion world. I served her once and awkwardly complimented her attire. She said "I just like to dress like this."

As a bonus, this is her in '89.

For my nugget

Art by Karen Ann Meyers

Stacy Rozich

Friday, May 14, 2010

there are just so many things to talk about

a small list:
*people, mostly the way that they are trippy
*masturbating and crying simultaneously
*motherfucking chatroulette, which is helping me find stoner friends at 4AM from all corners of the world. Tonight a kid from New Zealand said "Well shit. A pretty girl who wants to do bongs? This makes up for all the dicks." If you have ever been on chatroulette, you know what that means.
*i'm a huge pervert.
*where the fuck is Cyprus?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My mother has my son for the moment. Here's a scene that transpired in her living room today:

Saville, fresh from the bath was sitting on the couch naked. My mom noticed he was leaning over and grumbling. She asked he what he was doing. He said, "I'm so frustrated. I can't reach."
She said, "You can't reach what?"
He said, "My penis. I want to drink out of it."

Sometimes I wonder if I am fit to mother.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I keep burning my mouth on hot food items. I guess I'll never learn to slow down. Tonight, after it removed a third of my tatsebuds with its searing heat, I used a tatertot to write your name in steam on my windshield. Tomorrow I'll check to see if it left a mark on either place-- my tongue or my window.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sometimes I get bummed when I realize that there's no chance I can run into Weezy at the club.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Things that are frustrating:
*paying rent
*adults who like Twilight
*losing my checkbook
An idea for an ipad slogan:
(I'm still bored)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I just like this

It's alive! I don't remember now who makes it, which is rude, I know.

C sent me this

It's us if we were each one half less black.


Why does American Apparel always get it pretty right?

Fuck you and fuck Urban and fuck me for wanting this shit and fuck the world for making me and everyone I know think we need things to be happy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It is time

The time has come my little ones to talk of many things.
Of BigMacs and wine,
Of two days off,
Of cabbages and kings.

But for real, I needed this. That's a preemptive thank you to the universe for allowing my upcoming mini roadtrip to be many wonderfuls.

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's starting to feel like summer. On the horizon:
*A roadtrip to Nashville?
*A weekend in SF
*Vegas (but in a good way)
*A chip and dip party
*A sexy yard sale

Come get your's.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Roadtrip playlist:*
1. Ain't No Fun-- Snoop Dogg
2. The Oogum Boogum Song**
3. Maybelline--Chuck Berry***
4. So Insane--Discovery
5. Sherry Baby-- Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
6. My Boo--Ghost Town DJs
7. Ego--Beyonce****
8. Come On, Petunia--The Blow
9. Can't Tell Me Nothin--Kanyeezy*****
10. U Don't Have 2 Call--Usher
11. Lil Bit-- Lykke Li
12. Hang On Sloopy******
13. Love Is Blind--Amy Winehouse*******
14. Soul to Squeeze-- Red Hot Chilli Peppers********

*Don't hate.
**Apologies. Can't remember now who sings this ish.
***Perfect for alluding the highway patrol.
****Don't hate.
*****Don't hate.
******Again. Can't remember.
*******The best ode to infidelity I can think of/drink to/drive to/sing to.
*********I know. How lame, right? Fuck off. I do what I want.

One hour down. 5.5 to go.

Cowabunga, Rancho Cucamunga. Big shout out to Ray who rang me up at your local Trader Joe's and was so kind as to offer to escort me to Vegas. He was even willing to drive. I'll just take the Peppermint Joe's Ohs, but thanks kindly nonetheless.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

hey ho let go

I listened to this song 204 times in the month of January. No joke. The video is weird. I think it's funny when Swedes do their take on gangster shit. Smoking blunts, bandanas, name brands, etc.

Of course this song was born in LA.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One more thing:

Today at 4am I had a dance party with Saville to the Chipmunk Beatles album. Then I took S to the school of youtube for a little Beatles tutorial. If you haven't seen Yellow Submarine for a while, you should get that going.

Color therapy


Today, I clean my house and do some light role-playing.

See? I'm white-trash jailbait.