Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Automated Bathrooms

Here's my beef:

1. What if I want to choose my own temp for the water when I wash my hands?
2. What if I wasn't ready to flush? What if I dropped something in the toilet, like a locket, a dollar or worse, a Muppet Babies figurine?
3. Where's the humanity?

Art Show Darling

That's what I wanna be when I grow up. Not an astronaut, ballerina, or elephant like I said before.

See you there?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Alyssa Monks

Man oh man. Check out these rad paintings. Homegirl says photorealism isn't her thing, but tell that to her paintings.

(PS Her website wouldn't let me steal to post here, so you'll have to click the link. It's worth it, I assure you.)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I need a break. I need a housekeeper. I need coffee and a snack and a vacation and someone to do my homework.

And wallpaper.

I'm perusing right now. My room WILL be two lovely shades of peach. Which of these wallpapers should I choose?


Gold Foil?

Pretty birdies?

Sexy naked lady?

Or my personal fav-- foil roosters?!

What say you??

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If I were stalking me...

...I'd go here.

(Edit: Shiiit. Click it and you can see the whole thing. Turns out I can't compute for beans.)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The best ever.

I love this song, this video, this make-believe world.

(La Bionda-- I wanna be your lover)

A great week to not be here.

The title is sarcasm. I'm excited as the next Gibson to attend my grandpa's 80th/fam re-u in Yuma, but shiiiiiit. Seems like fun stuff is happening here. Here's what I would be doing if I weren't a glamour-loving glamourbot:

Origami Vinyl to Open in Echo Park, CA
Opening April 3, 2009
(Boys, beards, records, people, stuff, things.)

Kid Sister at the Echo?
(That's tonight. I could go, but I don't wanna pay. Also, I don't really know if I'm into her that much though I bet it will turn into a great dance party...)

Um, everything on this list, with the possible exception of the things at either of the Standards. Something about shitting and sleeping?

Seriously, go do all these things and think of me.