Thursday, March 25, 2010

hey ho let go

I listened to this song 204 times in the month of January. No joke. The video is weird. I think it's funny when Swedes do their take on gangster shit. Smoking blunts, bandanas, name brands, etc.

Of course this song was born in LA.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One more thing:

Today at 4am I had a dance party with Saville to the Chipmunk Beatles album. Then I took S to the school of youtube for a little Beatles tutorial. If you haven't seen Yellow Submarine for a while, you should get that going.

Color therapy


Today, I clean my house and do some light role-playing.

See? I'm white-trash jailbait.

Friday, March 12, 2010


2 Drag Queens (one convincing, one mannish, both awkward as fuck)
64 Wigs
1 tsp of Tarantino References
A budget that is greater than the my AGI for the last four years combined

Mix well. Enjoy with a large dose of Thanks, America. You sure know how to pick em.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

So fucking obvious

How'd I miss this before? Amber Rose is the Svedka vodka sexbot. Fucking duh.


I know. I would.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's been a second

since I mentioned my flickr.

P.S. The dick shoes have nothin to do with nothin. Just like em. Might lick em. Jk.
Skipped school today.
Decided I'm moving to Toronto.
Lots to do before then.

I'll start by getting stoned?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jesjit Gill

Her name is Alex Mack



When you think you're the coolest and then you find a hundred people doing it harder than you, well, it hurts. I fucking love these guyz. I found this blog. She is me only way better.

Daniel Downey

Johanna Warwick


For me, this is cute.

Vanessa Maltese

These kids are amazing and they're all friends. I will just keep posting until I get tired.


Can't sleep ever. Ever ever. Thank god for these pictures. Winnie Truong, color pencil.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Juxta Hoez

These are the two pairs of shoes I want most rightthissecond. They are not very similar.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A postcard haiku, mailed today:
You be Mario
And I will be the princess
We'll eat shrooms, grow big